2 thoughts on “Artikel på tv2.dk vedr. støjen fra Carlsberg Byen”

  1. I am happy to hear that there are some discussions around the level of noise in Carlsberg Byen at the moment and thank you to the residents of Humleby for speaking up for everyone living in this area. We live on Bohrsgade and the level of noise at the moment is simply unbearable, especially when one is working from home during the day. We have a four month old baby and certainly this amount of noise is not healthy for her. Lately, we have also felt vibrations in our apartment in the morning and some cracks have developed in the wall of the building here in the Carlsberg forskerboligerne. The first cracks developed in the basement of the building when they were doing similar work across the road from us last year for Kjeldahl & Vogelius Tårn.
    I think the City of Copenhagen simply has to enforce the law in relation to the amount of noise generated from all the building sites in Carlsberg Byen, without exception. If the noise threshold outside should be 75dB there is no reason why noise levels over 100dB should be allowed or indeed tolerated.

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